Saturday, June 30, 2007

Destination arrived, exploration initiated

We have arrived safely in Tel-Aviv after a fun but tiring 'picking random streets to explore' through Brussels, Belgium. The 17 hours of flying on an airplane also helped with being tired. Here is a quick photo of Jeff and I standing by a statue of King Leopold II in Belgium. It's a little off balance because I was using my packback. More photos to come!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Going to the Holy Land.

I'm going to Israel! Leaving for the airport in 2.5 hours!

This is going to be an amazing trip.

I will try to post pictures on here throughout the 3 week trip.

to be

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Psalm 113:3

The beach is one of my favorite places to be during a sunset. I remember lots of great bonfire's with friends. The crackling of fire, the smell of s'mores, and the salty air can refresh one's soul. This one was taken at Newport during a random beach day excursion.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Pumpkin seeds

This was my first huge pumpkin carving party. It was at my Brother-in-law's parent's place in Porterville. It was amazing to see the community come and bring huge cauldrons of soup to share with everyone. Then the fun began when the 4-5 dozen pumpkins arrived in a truck and unloaded. This was one row of many of pumpkin creations. (You know you're in the country when...)